Green Schools

At Kilcolman National school we take part in the Green School Initiative
Over the next two years we will be working hard on our 5th Green Schools flag.
The next theme we will be working on is the biodiversity theme.
So far we have......
Set up our new committee,
Held Green Schools meetings and announcements,
We updated our Green Schools announcement board
We have planted a tree,
Both rooms have had a biodiversity scavenger hunt.
We had a biodiversity visitors from heritage schools Stephanie O’ Toole, Dale Treadwill and Calvin Jones.
We put up birds boxes and bat boxes around our school,
We read stories with Dale and watches videos.
We went on a bug hunt.
We build a geometrical dome,
We played biodiversity bingo,
We completed our habitat mapping activity on our school grounds
Kilcolman National School Kilcolman, Enniskeane, Co. Cork P47 X526 Phone: 023 883 9460